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Second unit of the Belarusian NPP has been put into operation

Belarusian nuclear industry workers complete Rosenergoatom training courses

Young specialists of Gomel energy system and students of the energy school of P. Sukhoi State Technical University visited Belarusian NPP

Total electricity generation of the Belarusian NPP has reached 30 billion kWh

Rrecord of electricity consumption has been set in Belarus

Rosatom has delivered the first batch of technetium generators to Belarus

Belarusian NPP will cover more than 40 percent of Belarus electricity needs - Minister

410 nuclear units are operating in the world, 57 units are under construction

Unit 2 of the Belarusian NPP included the unified energy system of the Republic of Belarus
Unit 2 of Gen III+ with VVER-1200 (the general designer and general contractor is Rosatom Engineering Division) of the Belarusian NPP was synced with the grid for the first time and supplied the first kilowatt-hours of electricity to the unified energy system of the Republic of Belarus.
The grid connection at the reactor power of 40% of the nominal one confirms the availability of all its systems and equipment for electricity generation. In the coming days, specialists will increase the reactor power up to 50% and carry out a series of dynamic tests in order to verify the compliance of the thermal performance of the main equipment in the reactor and turbine compartments of the power unit with the design values. These tests finalize the First start stage and, after obtaining the permit from the...

Unit 2 of Belarus NPP has reached minimum controllable power level
On March 25, the reactor of Power Unit 2 of Belarus NPP (general designer and general contractor is Rosatom State Corporation Engineering Division) was brought to minimum controllable power level. At 19:42 (Moscow time), the neutron flux was registered for the first time, and controlled self-sustained nuclear reactor began.
Achievement of the minimum controllable power level (less than 1% of the rated power) makes it possible to proceed to the final part of tests of the Power Unit physical start-up stage. To confirm compliance with the design and clarify the rated neutron and physical characteristics of the reactor first fuel loading, the specialists will take measurements of the actual state of the core. Reliability of functioning of protections, interlocking and the entire...

Deputies of the RF State Duma Visiting Belarus NPP

Grid connection of unit No 2 of the Belarusian NPP is scheduled for the first quarter of 2023

First unit of the Belarusian NPP has generated 10 billion kWh of electricity since its first connection to grid

Unit 1 of the Belarusian NPP is connected to grid

The visit of experts from the WANO Moscow Center ended at the Belarusian NPP

WANO Peer Review Started at Belarusian NPP

Report of the Peer Review conducted on the Belarusian National Action Plan as part of EU Stress Test process has been published

Working meeting of Alexey Likhachev, the head of Rosatom, and Roman Golovchenko, Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, was held in Minsk

Nuclear News Ticker - May 02, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - April 08, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - March 15, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - March 08, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - March 05, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - February 27, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - February 25, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - February 19, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - February 11, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - February 09, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - January 30, 2021

Nuclear News Ticker - January 22, 2021

Power unit 1 of Belarus NPP started operation at 100% capacity
On January 12, at 19-57, the first power unit of Belarus NPP of the newest III+ generation with VVER-1200 reactor (general designer and general contractor - ROSATOM Engineering Division) was for the first time brought to rated power level.
Commencement of power ascension to 100% is the main event at the stage of trial operation of any nuclear facility power unit, said Vitaly Polyanin, ASE EC JSC project director for Belarus NPP construction.
After verification of actual parameters and characteristics of the systems and equipment operation for conformity with the design values, the power unit will be put into commercial operation.

Nuclear News Ticker - December 23, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - December 22, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - December 15, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - December 11, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - November 21, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - November 18, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - November 17, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - November 13, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - November 10, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - November 09, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - November 08, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - November 07, 2020

The first power unit of the Belarus NPP has been connected to the unified power grid of the Republic of Belarus
The first kilowatt-hours of electric energy delivered by the Belarus NPP to the unified power grid system is a landmark to manifest the beginning of the nuclear age for the Republic of Belarus. This has become possible owing to the long-term and efficient work of a large team of Belarus and Russian specialists. No doubt, there is still a lot of work to be done before the unit is put into commercial operation, however it is already the case to celebrate the success of the Belarus NPP project which is the first Gen III+ nuclear power plant built by using Russian technologies outside of Russia, Alexey Likhachev, Director General of ROSATOM commented on the significant event.
The AES-2006 design, which is the basis for...

Nuclear News Ticker - November 06, 2020

443 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

Nuclear News Ticker - November 04, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - November 02, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - November 01, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - October 31, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - October 30, 2020

Nuclear News Ticker - October 29, 2020

Peaceful Nuclear News - October 25, 2020

Unit No. 1 at the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant has been brought to minimum control power
11th October 2020 2:26 a.m. Ostrovets, Belarus - Unit No. 1 at the Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant, equipped with the VVER-1200 reactor has been brought to minimum control power (MCP). Minimum control power level is reached when neutron flux is recorded in a reactor working at a level sufficient to sustain a fission chain reaction.
Reaching MCP (at a minimal power level of under 1%) is considered as the final stage of the physical start-up procedure. It allows personnel to safely take a required measurements and verify whether the physical characteristics of the reactor core comply with design requirements. In due course specialists will conduct more than 50 physical experiments on the neutronic characteristics of...

Fuel Loading Begins at Belorussian NPP Unit 1
On August 7, fuel loading began at the Belarusian NPP Unit 1. Rosatom Engineering Division is the general designer and general contractor of the NPP.
At 11:45 the first fuel assembly was loaded into the reactor of Unit 1. A total of 163 assemblies will be loaded before the end of the month.
Following the fuel loading, the reactor will reach the minimum controllable level (1% of the total power capacity) and relevant tests will be performed.
From that moment on, the reactor acquires the status of a nuclear power facility. After reliability and safety of the power unit at its design parameters are verified, the next stage of the power start-up will begin and the reactor will be connected to the grid for the first time.
The Republic of Belarus has become the owner of a power unit built according to the latest Gen 3+ technologies. This technology has been proved and tested through the operation of similar power units in Russia. They meet all the post-Fukushima safety requirements, and all the IAEA missions have...

Nuclear fuel has been delivered for initial loading to power unit 1 of Belarusian NPP

Rosatom fabricated nuclear fuel for initial loading at Unit 2 of Belarus NPP

First unit of Belarus NPP is ready for 86-87%

Nuclear fuel for the NPP will be delivered in the summer

Foreign journalists have familiarized themselves with the progress of Belarusian NPP units construction

The pre-stressing system installation has been completed at Unit 1 at Belarus NPP

Rosatom will meet the requirements of Minsk and will replace the reactor vessel for the Belarusian NPP

Russia Gives $10Bln Credit to Belarus for Nuclear Power Plant Construction

Russia Plans First Nuclear Reactor Delivery to Belarus in 2015

Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan to Conduct Joint Counter-Terrorism Drills

Russia, Belarus to Fly Over Poland Under Open Skies Treaty

Russia, Belarus Settle Nuclear Power Plant Dispute

US, German Military Inspectors to Fly Over Russia, Belarus

A delegation of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh paid a working visit to the construction site of Belarus NPP

German, Latvian Military Inspectors to Overfly Russia, Belarus

US, Swedish Military Inspectors to Overfly Russia, Belarus

Norwegian Military Inspectors to Fly Over Russia, Belarus

Canadian Military Inspectors to Fly over Russia, Belarus

Lithuania Urges Belarus Not to Build Nuclear Power Plant

British Military Inspectors to Fly Over Russia, Belarus

Russia Mulls Opening Branch of Skolkovo Tech Hub in Belarus

Belarus Scientists Want Logging Restart in Chernobyl Area

China to Give Belarus $16 mln Chernobyl Aid

Belarus Needs Nuclear Regulator - UN Watchdog

Russia, Belarus Sign $10 Bln Nuclear Power Plant Deal

Belarus, Russia to Sign Nuclear Plant Deal in July

Putin Visit Signals Upswing in Belarus Ties

Belarus to Receive Third Tranche of EurAsEc Bailout Loan

Russia, Belarus Initial Nuclear Power Plant Construction Deal

Belarus Ready to Build Second Nuclear Plant

Lukashenko Urges Russia to Expedite Nuke Plant Construction

Belarus agrees to Russian building of nuclear station

Belarus calls off joint nuclear fuel swap programs with USA

Russian electricity supplies to Belarus not resumed

Russia cuts off electricity supply to Belarus over debt

Russia warns Belarus on electricity debt

Ukrainian foreign ministry indignant over Lukashenko remarks

Lukashenko calls European Commission president an ass

Construction of Belarusian nuclear power plant to begin in September

Russia, Belarus to sign nuclear power plant deal in 1st quarter

Russian, Belarusian premiers to discuss energy prices, nuclear power plant

Belarus to scrap highly-enriched uranium stocks

Union State of Russia and Belarus needs intensive care
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his Belarusian counterpart Sergei Sidorsky will attend a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Union State of Russia and Belarus in Moscow on October 15, 2010.
On October 5, an important event took place in Russian-Belarusian relations that went largely unnoticed. In Minsk, the transport departments of the two countries signed an agreement on transferring transport control to the external border of the Union State. Russian Transport Minister Igor Levitin said that Russia will sign a similar agreement with Kazakhstan, creating a free transport corridor in the countries of the Customs Union. And so, 19 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian-Belarusian border is finally open.
The October 15 meeting will also be important. The sides will discuss the draft budget of the Union State for 2011. Sidorsky has indicated that both countries are actively working on this draft. He called it a growing budget, despite the post-crisis conditions.
However, official information does not always give the full picture of cooperation between Moscow and Minsk in the Union State.

Belarus to return some spent nuclear fuel to Russia

Belarus may refuse NPP construction deal with Russia - Lukashenko

Minsk to hold on to its arms-grade uranium - Lukashenko

Belarus has hundreds of kilograms of weapons-grade uranium — Lukashenko

Money row holds up Belarus's first nuclear power plant

Atomstroyexport took part in the international specialized exhibition Atomexpo Belarus

Kukshinovskaya site would be the place of first Byelorussian NPP construction

Belarus to hold tender in 2008 to build nuclear power plant

No plans to deploy nukes in Belarus

Belorussian nuclear poker

Belorussia discusses a foundation of independent regulating body for nuclear safety supervision

Russia is interested in construction of NPP in Belorussia

Hero of the day

National flag of Russian Federation hoisted on Yakutia nuclear icebreaker

National flag of Russian Federation hoisted on Yakutia nuclear icebreaker

Yakutia is the fourth icebreaker actually built under Project 22220. Its service life is 40 years. As is the tradition, the icebreaker is named after a region adjacent to the Northern Sea Route.



Pietro Barabaschi held a meeting with the management of the Institute and saw around the facilities for high-tech components manufacturing of the future plant.



the 400-ton toroidal field coil TF08 of the ITER was successfully hoisted onto the sub-assembly of the Vacuum Vessel Module 1, marking another milestone in the sector module sub-assembly (SMSA).
