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Russia and the IAEA hold another round of Interdepartmental consultations in Moscow

IAEA has issued document on analysis and modelling of severe accidents for liquid metal fast reactors

417 nuclear units are operating in the world, 62 units are under construction

416 nuclear units are operating in the world, 63 units are under construction

IAEA OSART mission has started at Novovoronezh NPP

Global workshop on SMRs and MRs deployment held in Hainan
The Interregional Workshop on Key Considerations Regarding Infrastructure Development to Support SMRs and MRs Deployment was jointly held by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) and undertaken by Hainan Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), in Haikou, capital city of South China Hainan province, on December 16.
The workshop event was one of series activities held in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of China accession to the IAEA. It drew the attendance of about 150 officials and nuclear experts from over 40 countries, who held discussions and shared personal experience over key issues concerning infrastructural development...

Hainan Nuclear Power, IAEA sign a capacity-building execution deal over SMRs construction

IAEA has issued document reviewing SMR activities in 2024

415 nuclear units are operating in the world, 63 units are under construction

IAEA is ready to send its specialists to the Kursk NPP, if necessary - Grossi

China to open 12 facilities for cooperation
China will open 12 research centers and facilities of the nuclear industry to foreign specialists and scientific organizations in order to expand global cooperation.
These include the CARR research reactor. It should be noted that in 2023 the AtomInfo.Ru reported on China plans to open this reactor to projects by foreign specialists and organizations, and more than 40 applications had already been submitted.
Among other facilities being opened for international cooperation, the Xinhua news agency names the Huanliu-3 tokamak and the Beishan underground research laboratory.
By opening the facilities, the Chinese side intends to develop international cooperation in such areas as...

PRIS - 20 thousand reactor years
The global nuclear energy industry has reached a landmark milestone. According to the PRIS database maintained by the IAEA, the total number of reactor years of operation of nuclear power units in the world has exceeded 20 thousand.
To date, the PRIS base has 415 nuclear power units in operation. Its total installed net capacity is 373.735 GWe.
The operation of 25 power units with a total net capacity of 21.272 GWe has been suspended. Almost all of it are located in Japan (21 units), where post-Fukushima safety checks are ongoing.
62 power units with a total capacity of 64.971 GWe are under construction. The undisputed leader is China, where 28 power units are being built. It should be noted...

Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachev held a meeting with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi

CNNC launches an international communication and media event

415 nuclear units are operating in the world, 62 units are under construction

Sergey Ryabkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and Nikolay Spassky, Deputy Director General of ROSATOM, held consultations with the IAEA delegation

IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi visits Kursk NPP

415 nuclear units are operating in the world, 61 units are under construction

415 nuclear units are operating in the world, 60 units are under construction

417 nuclear units are operating in the world, 59 units are under construction

The next rotation of the IAEA mission observers took place at the Zaporozhye NPP

417 nuclear units are operating in the world, 58 units are under construction

IAEA Board of Governors will hold an extraordinary meeting due to the attacks on the Zaporozhye NPP

416 nuclear units are operating in the world, 58 units are under construction

416 nuclear units are operating in the world, 57 units are under construction

415 nuclear units are operating in the world, 58 units are under construction

415 nuclear units are operating in the world, 57 units are under construction

415 nuclear units are operating in the world, 56 units are under construction

Another round of interdepartmental consultations between Russia and the IAEA takes place in Sochi

414 nuclear units are operating in the world, 57 units are under construction

Grossi will visit Russia and Ukraine in the next ten days

413 nuclear units are operating in the world, 58 units are under construction

Next rotation of the IAEA mission observers took place at Zaporizhia NPP

412 nuclear units are operating in the world, 59 units are under construction

The next rotation of the IAEA mission observers took place at the Zaporizhia NPP

IAEA has issued a technical document on global inventories of secondary uranium supplies

IAEA has issued a technical document on molten salt reactors

Director General of ROSATOM Alexey Likhachev meets IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi on the margins of COP-28 in Dubai

CNNC unveils nuclear energy solutions to combat climate change in Vienna

CNNC introduced Chinese solutions on the IAEA General Conference

411 nuclear units are operating in the world, 58 units are under construction

410 nuclear units are operating in the world, 58 units are under construction

The next rotation of observers of the IAEA mission took place at the Zaporozhye NPP

The AUKUS and Article 14: Challenges Ahead
The AUKUS project if it goes ahead to completion in its present form of secrecy would set a precedent in the absence of agreed parameters and agreed understandings of the Board of Governors and Member States.
Also, thus far, more than eighteen months since the announcement of the AUKUS agreement there have not been any technical, policy or legal briefings or consultations on Article 14 involving the Secretariat, AUKUS parties and Member States.
This is a significant break with past Agency practice of open-ended consultations on matters concerning interpretation, implementation or strengthening of Agency safeguards.

IAEA Director General visits CNNC - first stop of his first visit to China
On May 22, Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), visited the China Institute of Atomic Energy of the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) - the first stop of his first visit to China since taking the helm of the IAEA in 2019, at the invitation of the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA).
At the China Institute of Atomic Energy, a pine tree was planted to symbolize longer and closer cooperation between China and the IAEA. The director general said it is his hope that we come together to celebrate the 40th anniversary of China accession to the IAEA next year. Here he visited the China Advanced Research Reactor and a proton cyclotron.

The Head of ROSATOM Alexey Likhachev met with IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi

410 nuclear units are operating in the world, 57 units are under construction

410 nuclear units are operating in the world, 58 units are under construction

420 nuclear units are operating in the world, 56 units are under construction

423 nuclear units are operating in the world, 56 units are under construction

AUKUS - note verbale from China
China has taken note of the recent Joint Leaders Statement on AUKUS issued by the US, the UK and Australia. China expresses its grave concern and firm opposition to the continued advancement of nuclear submarine cooperation by the AUKUS partners, which is purely out of their own geopolitical interests, disregarding concerns of the international community.
At the same time, China is seriously concerned about the IAEA Director General Statement in Relation to the AUKUS Announcement, and firmly opposed to the US, the UK and Australia coercing the IAEA Secretariat into endorsing their nuclear submarine cooperation by making safeguards exemption affangements on that cooperation.
The AUKUS submarine cooperation has fully exposed...

422 nuclear units are operating in the world, 57 units are under construction

422 nuclear units are operating in the world, 56 units are under construction

422 nuclear units are operating in the world, 56 units are under construction

Rafael Grossi re-elected for a second term

422 nuclear units are operating in the world, 57 units are under construction

Consultations held between the Russian delegation and the IAEA delegation

423 nuclear units are operating in the world, 56 units are under construction

Russian delegation and the IAEA hold consultations on ensuring safety of the Zaporozhskaya NPP

422 nuclear units are operating in the world, 57 units are under construction

423 nuclear units are operating in the world, 57 units are under construction

IAEA has published detailed data on 16 research reactors

427 nuclear units are operating in the world, 56 units are under construction

IAEA has published nuclear safety and security glossary

ROSATOM took part in the 66th IAEA General Conference
ROSATOM took part in the 66th annual session of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which was held in Vienna on September, 26-30, 2022. In total 175 IAEA member countries were represented at the Conference in this year.
In his speech at the plenary meeting on September, 26, Alexey Likhachev, Director General of ROSATOM, mentioned the professional and non-politicized approach of the IAEA to its activities and emphasized that cooperation with the Agency proceeded in all main statutory areas. He told about the progress in implementation of the small-scale nuclear power engineering projects and noted importance of continued works in the area of climatic agenda and the nuclear...

438 nuclear units are operating in the world, 57 units are under construction

438 nuclear units are operating in the world, 56 units are under construction

438 nuclear units are operating in the world, 55 units are under construction

439 nuclear units are operating in the world, 54 units are under construction

440 nuclear units are operating in the world, 54 units are under construction

440 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

441 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

China and Russia have submitted to the IAEA a list of technical issues on Japanese plans to drain Fukushima contaminated water into the ocean

CNNC chairman and IAEA director general hold video talk

441 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

Russian specialists present reports at IAEA Conference on Fast Reactors

FR22 has completed its work
The International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) concluded its work at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna on Friday.
At the final meeting, the organizers summed up the qualitative and quantitative results of the conference.
The conference was attended by 470 officially designated participants and 210 observers. The total number of contributors was 365.
The FR22 conference was the fourth in a row, and representatives of 35 countries took part in it. This is a record figure for the entire time of FR conferences, which indicates the growing interest in the world in the topic of fast reactors and closed nuclear fuel cycles.

International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) is started in Vienna

441 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

Russia-IAEA Meeting Held in Kaliningrad
On April 1, Kaliningrad (Russia) hosted the official meeting between Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachev and Director General of the International Nuclear Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Mariano Grossi, who arrived in Kaliningrad after his visit to Ukraine.
Following the meeting, Alexey Likhachev stated that the key topic of the talks was the issue of ensuring nuclear and physical security. The main task of Rosatom is to do everything necessary and assist the IAEA in the safe operation of Ukrainian nuclear facilities. It is important to do everything to ensure that the IAEA has full information about the ongoing events and of course to enable specialists and maintenance personnel of the stations to perform their duties in the most difficult conditions.

IAEA Publishes SSG-77 on Protection Against Internal and External Hazards in the Operation of NPP

441 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

440 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

439 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

439 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

439 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

439 nuclear units are operating in the world, 50 units are under construction

440 nuclear units are operating in the world, 50 units are under construction

439 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

442 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

441 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

441 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

The Director General of the IAEA called the negotiations with Iran inconclusive

WANO reinforces the industry commitment to maximising safety and performance at COP26

IAEA collaborates with CNNC on waste disposal

442 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

441 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

442 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

444 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

444 nuclear units are operating in the world, 50 units are under construction

443 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

444 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

443 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

444 nuclear units are operating in the world, 54 units are under construction

444 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

444 nuclear units are operating in the world, 50 units are under construction

444 nuclear units are operating in the world, 49 units are under construction

Nuclear News Ticker - March 04, 2021

443 nuclear units are operating in the world, 50 units are under construction

443 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

443 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

444 nuclear units are operating in the world, 51 units are under construction

443 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

442 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

Nuclear News Ticker - November 08, 2020

443 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

443 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

442 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

Nuclear News Ticker - October 30, 2020

443 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

Peaceful Nuclear News - October 28, 2020

IAEA publishes the proceedings of the international conference on the climate change and the role of nuclear power

442 nuclear units are operating in the world, 54 units are under construction

Vladimir Kriventsev: FR21 provides excellent opportunities
The International Atomic Energy Agency brings together the fast reactor and related fuel cycle community and countries and the wider public interested in these technologies by organising the International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future or FR21.
The Peoples Republic of China will host the conference via the China Institute for Atomic Energy, and it will take place from 10 to 13 May 2021.
The IAEA invited experts from countries with fast reactor programs and relevant international organisations to join the FR21 International Advisory Committee or IAC.
The IAC developed recommendations to the IAEA on conference topics and the central theme. It first met in June this year.
The IAC also proposed candidates for the International Scientific Programme Committee or ISPC. The ISPC will review and select abstracts and papers and shape the programme of the conference.

442 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

440 nuclear unit are operating in the world, 55 units are under construction

FR21 International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles will be hosted in Beijing

440 nuclear unit are operating in the world, 54 units are under construction

IAEA distributed Iranian response to DDG report

IAEA published pocket guide for medical physicists supporting response to a nuclear or radiological emergency

441 nuclear unit is operating in the world, 54 units are under construction

441 nuclear unit is operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

442 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

442 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

443 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

IAEA invites comments on draft safety guide DS516

447 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

448 nuclear units are operating in the world, 52 units are under construction

448 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

450 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

449 nuclear units are operating in the world, 54 units are under construction

WANO, IAEA, EPRI collaborate to help new nuclear power units to start up safely and on time
The World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have published a joint new industry white paper.
The paper outlines the challenges faced by new nuclear power units and entrants to the industry, and explains how the three organisations help operators and entrant countries to ensure that new units start up safely and on time.

Rafael Mariano Grossi to Assume Office as Director General on 3 December
Argentinian diplomat Rafael Mariano Grossi takes office as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) this week after winning unanimous support from the organization’s Member States.

Special session of the IAEA GC will be held on December 2

449 nuclear units are operating in the world, 53 units are under construction

IAEA Board Appoints Rafael Grossi as Director General
Ambassador Rafael Mariano Grossi is set to take office as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in early December, following his appointment to the post by the Agency Board of Governors on Wednesday 30 October 2019.
In a meeting open to representatives of all IAEA Member States, the 35-nation Board of Governors appointed by acclamation Mr Grossi as Director General, to serve for four years from 3 December.

Rafael Grossi elected as IAEA Director General

IAEA Board of Governors Continues Balloting for Director General Appointment

IAEA Board of Governors will continue balloting for Director General appointment at Monday

449 nuclear units are operating in the world

450 nuclear units are operating in the world

451 nuclear unit is operating in the world

449 nuclear units are operating in the world

451 nuclear unit is operating in the world

452 nuclear units are operating in the world

451 nuclear unit is operating in the world

449 nuclear units are operating in the world

450 nuclear units are operating in the world

452 nuclear units are operating in the world

Chirayu Batra: we should decrease the generation gap
The main difference is that we are based in Vienna, where the IAEA has its headquarters. It is a place where many countries are represented. We get excellent opportunities to interact with many experts who come here.
In the case of the national young generation networks, the invited experts are primarily from the same country. But if you do some activities relevant to youths in the Agency, it is very easy to get the experts from different countries and it gives you the different level of engagement and involvement of the experts to your work.
Who could be a member of the UN NYG?
Most of the members of our organization are Agency professional staffers under the age of 37. We invite also different experts who can be of any age and who come to interact with us.
The main pillars of our organization are transfer of knowledge and professional development.

Amparo Gonzalez Espartero: our task is to help member states
We are dealing with the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle until spent fuel is declared as a waste, covering storage options, reprocessing and recycling, transportation of nuclear materials and advanced fuel cycles related to Generation IV reactors.
Since our main task is to help Member States, we organize international conferences to enhance sharing information and transferring knowledge. We also draft papers and now we are drafting a high-level paper dedicated to policymakers and decision takers on different nuclear fuel cycle options, taking into consideration all envisaged options, either currently implemented at the industrial level or at the R&D stage to improve the sustainability of nuclear energy.
As you know, some countries have decided to proceed to direct disposal of spent fuel. Others have decided to reprocess and recycle uranium and plutonium using MOX fuel in some of their reactors, as France and the Russian Federation.

453 nuclear units are operating in the world

454 nuclear units are operating in the world

454 nuclear units are operating in the world

453 nuclear units are operating in the world

452 nuclear units are operating in the world

454 nuclear units are operating in the world

455 nuclear units are operating in the world

454 nuclear units are operating in the world

Vladimir Kriventsev: we know ability of fast reactors
The FR17 conference may have been the most important conference on fast reactors and related fuel cycles ever held. As I know all the participants appreciated the preparation made. The Agency and Rosatom did very good work in organizing this event. For me it was the first big conference I organized together with my colleague, Ms. Amparo Gonzalez, from start to finish.
In the end, what came of it? It was about 600 participants from around the world and we received about 450 technical papers presented on different topics related to fast reactor development in the future. We also had 11 keynote speeches delivered by the countries that are doing research on fast reactors and by four international organizations. These are some of the key numbers.

Victor Murogov: Shift in Priorities
We observe the loss of knowledge which is not used. In the nuclear sector, it is reactor technologies that suffer most of all from this. Russia's construction of reactor BN-800 is an example of the preserved knowledge on fast sodium-cooled reactors but, unfortunately, this is unique experience.
Thus, it became the basis for another priority trend of the IAEA activity - Nuclear Knowledge Management (NKM), which is the theme of the primary resolution of the General Conference 2002 and a subject-matter of the first international conference on NKM in the IAEA in 2004.
The tasks were specified. There was only one problem: lack of resources. The IAEA budget is drawn up for two years. Even if you convince the Director General of the necessity to develop this or that project, he would not be able to help you until a new budget is passed.
For such cases, non-budgetary funds are envisaged. If a country finds the work in question important, it can make an extra contribution.

IAEA International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO). Scientific-Technical Reminiscences.
One could see that the third item corresponds to the third task specified by the IAEA Secretariat for INPRO. However, the INPRO limitation by that task as the primary objective from the very beginning was turning INPRO into an appendage to the GIF-4 Project, which was intensely lobbied by the US starting from 2000 (via NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency - as an analogue of the IAEA Secretariat). We were of the opinion, that both projects - INPRO and GIF-4 - should complement each other and should have a common strategic mission: evaluation and feasibility of full-scale development of nuclear power in the future. INPRO could be responsible for conceptual requirements for nuclear power (NPPs and NFCs) while GIF-4, for particular fulfillment of those requirements. All this demands equal support for both projects from leading nuclear nations - donors of innovative technologies. We told Mr. Moniz just about it. And in the future things went on exactly this way. Instead of antagonism, we achieved close interaction and consolidation of political and coordination committees for better exchange of information. More than that, after the Project had been entered into the regular program, representatives of leading nuclear (including western) nations headed the INPRO Section.

Vladimir Krivientsev: FR17 - The Olympic Games of Fast Reactors
The FR17 is a major conference on fast reactors and related fuel cycles that is being organized by the IAEA. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Government of the Russian Federation, represented by Rosatom, for agreeing to host the conference and for arranging for the participants a visit to the Beloyarsk NPP and the brand-new Russian BN-800 fast reactor.
The conference will be the third of its kind. The first was held in 2009 in Kyoto, Japan, and the second was in Paris in 2013. Now, it is Russia turn. The FR conferences are the largest fast reactor events in the world. In terms of their significance and how often they are held, you could compare them with the Olympic Games.
Preparations for FR17 are in full swing. From an organizer standpoint it is a complex event requiring a great deal of effort and coordination.

443 nuclear units are operating

The number of nuclear facilities under IAEA safeguards in India will increase to 22

The IAEA experts confirmed the commitment of Kola NPP to continuous operational safety improvement

IAEA to Help Western Africa in Battling Ebola

Iran, IAEA to Continue Nuclear Talks, Date Not Set Yet

IAEA, Japan to Conduct Joint Water Sampling in Fukushima

IAEA Detects Activity at North Korea Nuclear Site: Report

Iran Begins to Improve Nuclear Transparency – IAEA

Tehran Hopes IAEA to Remain Impartial in Settlement of Iranian Nuclear Issue

IAEA Head Arrives in Iran for Talks

IAEA Director General to Visit Iran on August 17

Uranium Seized by ISIS Militants in Iraq Harmless – IAEA

IAEA Board of Governors Opens in Vienna

Simple Switch to US Nuclear Fuel for Ukraine Plants Impossible - IAEA Official

IAEA Says Impossible for Ukraine to Switch to US Nuclear Fuel

Iran, IAEA to Meet in Vienna Ahead of 6-Party Talks

IAEA Inspectors Poised to Meet with Iran Nuclear Officials

Iran Neutralized Half of Uranium Stock – IAEA

Iran Implements Nuclear Deal, IAEA Says

IAEA Inspectors Visit Arak Nuclear Site in Iran

IAEA to Study Environmental Impact of Russian Power Plant in Baltic

IAEA Divided on Atomic Risks From Potential US Airstrike in Syria

Russia Questions IAEA on Syrian Nuclear Risks

Russia to Question IAEA on Syria Nuclear Risks

No Guarantees That Iranian Nuclear Program Peaceful - IAEA

Rostov NPP: international experts paid a preliminary visit

Iran, IAEA Agree on New Meeting

Belarus Needs Nuclear Regulator - UN Watchdog

ROSATOM is displayed at the exhibition in the framework of the 56-th IAEA General Conference

UN Nuclear Watchdog to Hold More Talks with Iran

IAEA to Convene 56th General Conference

IAEA Demands Access to Iranian Military Site

IAEA Says To Meet With Iran Over Access To Parchin Site

IAEA Experts to Visit Bushehr in 2013

IAEA Inspectors Barred from Iran Military Site

IAEA Team in Tehran for More Talks

IAEA Delegation Arrives in Iran to Discuss Nuclear Program

US Making More Powerful Bomb to Hit Underground Facilities?

Iran starts enriching uranium to 20 pct - IAEA

Iranian authorities ready to develop cooperation with IAEA

Israeli defense minister evasive on Iran strike possibility

IAEA resolution unprofessional, illegal and politicized - Iranian envoy

IAEA adopts Iran resolution

IAEA inspectors may visit Iran soon

Dozen countries join in on Iran Six resolution

Russia hopes new Iran resolution is adopted on Friday - FM

Iran Six to submit new resolution to IAEA

IAEA chief defends report on Iran nuclear program

Iran atom: IAEA accuses Iran and retreats
The report, that was announced long ago and that came with different reservations about its status, began leaking into the press only two days ago. In early October the press began to write about the fact that this report was being prepared, and that it was expected to be tough and uncompromising.
Numerous leaks regarding preparations for a military strike against Iran appeared at the same time - beginning with large-scale exercises of U.S. military transport aviation in the Middle East (supposedly covering up the movement of forces) and ending with almost panicked reports that Iran was about to hide all of its nuclear centrifuges in the mountains where they could not be destroyed.
It is difficult to understand this escalation of tensions, considering that the IAEA report does not reflect any serious foundation for these apprehensions.
The reaction of IAEA officials is especially interesting. It appears that the report, which has already been disseminated on the Internet and has evoked numerous comments from the press and even from officials, will not be officially published at all.

Iran continued work on nuclear weapon after 2003 - IAEA

Medvedev urges calm over Iran, warns of catastrophe

Iran accuses U.S. of pressuring IAEA

U.S. presses UN nuclear watchdog inspectors on Iran nuclear data - paper

Iran offers IAEA full supervision of nuclear program

UN secretary general urges global ban on nuclear tests

Iranian IAEA representative to visit Russia January 20-21

IAEA awaiting deal to send nuclear inspectors back to N.Korea

EU foreign policy chief welcomes IAEA decision to create nuclear fuel reserve bank

UN nuclear watchdog sets up nuclear fuel reserve bank

IAEA report proves peaceful nature of Teheran nuclear activities

IAEA head hails Russia efforts in nuclear medicine

Russia, IAEA to step up cooperation

Rosatom to train staff for IAEA

IAEA training course in nuclear material accounting is organized in NRNU MEPhI
From September 27 to October 8 in Moscow, on the basis of NRNU MEPhI a regular international training course in implementation of nuclear material accounting state systems is conducted under the aegis of IAEA and under the auspices of Rosatom State Corporation (SSAC 2010).
This international training is organized every year and conducted by the Agency in Russia and the USA on a rota basis within the framework of the nuclear nonproliferation program. NRNU MEPhI has been authorized to conduct this training for the fourth time.
This year the course is to be attended by representatives of 23 countries including Egypt, Iran, Canada, Turkey, Pakistan, Sweden, Vietnam, RSA. The teachers are employees of IAEA, Rostekhnadzor, Rosatom State Corporation and specialists from NRNU MEPhI.
The course comprises summarizing lectures in fuel cycle, non-proliferation regime, IAEA guarantees, export and import control system, non-destructive methods of nuclear materials analysis and detection and control systems.

IAEA approves area for first Egyptian nuclear plant

IAEA Board of Governors meeting to begin in Vienna

IAEA experts to inspect site for new unit at Armenian NPP

IAEA to examine platform for Armenian nuclear power unit

Iran bans entry for 2 IAEA experts

Iran is special case for IAEA

Obama hails nuclear non-proliferation accord

NPT review conference approves final declaration

IAEA Receives 100th Mandate for Strengthened Nuclear Verification Authority

Hero of the day

National flag of Russian Federation hoisted on Yakutia nuclear icebreaker

National flag of Russian Federation hoisted on Yakutia nuclear icebreaker

Yakutia is the fourth icebreaker actually built under Project 22220. Its service life is 40 years. As is the tradition, the icebreaker is named after a region adjacent to the Northern Sea Route.



Pietro Barabaschi held a meeting with the management of the Institute and saw around the facilities for high-tech components manufacturing of the future plant.



the 400-ton toroidal field coil TF08 of the ITER was successfully hoisted onto the sub-assembly of the Vacuum Vessel Module 1, marking another milestone in the sector module sub-assembly (SMSA).
