Rosatom starts pilot operation of a fuel fabrication facility for the BREST-OD-300 fast reactor
The unit for fabrication/refabrication pf nuclear fuel for the innovative BREST-OD-300 fast neutron reactor was put into pilot operation in Seversk, Tomsk Region, West Siberia.
It is the first of the three facilities of the unique Generation IV Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex (PDEC), which is under construction as part of the strategic project Proryv (of the Breakthrough) on site of the Siberian Chemical Combine (an enterprise of Rosatom Fuel Division).
The cutting-edge fully automated facility has already successfully manufactured the first mockup fuel bundles of the BREST-OD-300 core design with depleted uranium nitride fuel pellets. All production sites of the new facility have undergone comprehensive testing.
Rosatom manufactures nitride and oxide uranium-plutonium fuels for the BN-1200 fast reactor
Rosatom starts reactor tests in order to increase nuclear fuel enrichment
Russian scientists, for the first time, started reactor testing of nuclear fuel for VVER reactors with its matrix containing neutron absorber erbium and uranium-235 enrichment of about 5%. The irradiation is taking place at the MIR.M1 research reactor at the Dimitrovgrad Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors (a facility of the Scientific Division of Rosatom).
At present, the main fleet of nuclear commercial reactors worldwide operates is running on nuclear fuel with uranium-235 enrichment of less than 5% (mainly in the range of 3%-4.95%), which meets international standards for high capacity reactors fuel (except for fast reactors, small-scale NPPs and research reactors).
Rosatom manufactures first nuclear fuel for a research reactor in Bolivia
Nuclear fuel for the initial loading of the BRR-1 research reactor, a facility under construction in Bolivia, has been manufactured and passed the acceptance tests at the Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant, an enterprise of Rosatom nuclear fuel division.
The shipment of the fuel bundles to Bolivia is scheduled for 2025.
The first research reactor in Bolivia should become the key facility of the fourth phase of the national Center for nuclear research and technologies in El Alto. The project is under implementation by the Bolivian Atomic Energy Agency in cooperation with Rosatom.
The reactor vessel was delivered from Russia and installed in 2023. It is a pool-type research reactor...
ROSATOM Started Pilot Commercial Production of New Gen Fuel Cladding
Theoretical ban on the sale of uranium in the United States will not cause problems for Russia - Likhachev
Russian regulator issues the license of operation of the fuel fabrication facility for BREST-OD-300 reactor
The Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor) has issued a license to Siberian Chemical Combine (an enterprise of Rosatom Nuclear Fuel Division in Seversk, Tomsk Region) to operate a nuclear installation of the Unit for fabrication and refabrication of dense nuclear fuel.
The Fabrication/Refabrication Unit is facility of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex (PDEC), which is under construction in Seversk under the strategic Proryv (or the Breakthrough project). PDEC is a cluster of nuclear technologies of the future, it includes three unique interconnected facilities: a unit for the production (fabrication/refabrication) of mixed uranium-plutonium nitride nuclear fuel, a power plant with an innovative...
ROSATOM starts testing of unique equipment for BREST-OD-300 nitride fuel fabrication
ROSATOM manufactures first bundles of BN-800 MOX fuel with minor actinides
Kazatomprom has delivered another batch of fuel assemblies to China
Bulgarian regulators have received additional documents to the application for the use of Westinghouse fuel on the Kozloduy-5
Fuel supplies for the Ruppur NPP will begin in the first week of October
ROSATOM starts testing MOX fuel for VVER reactors
TVEL ships fuel for CFR-600 fast reactor launch
Eurostat - data for 2021
The Eurostat (statistical service of the European Union) has updated data on the state of the nuclear industry in the EU countries, taking into account the results of 2021.
In total, 106 nuclear power units were operated in 13 EU countries in 2021. If the EU were considered as a single state, it would become the world leader in the number of units, bypassing the United States.
The share of nuclear power plants in 2021 accounted for 25.2% of the total electricity generation in the EU countries. In absolute terms, nuclear generation amounted to 731.701 billion kWh, which is 7.0% more than in 2020.
Despite the increase, record figures remain unattainable. The maximum volume of nuclear generation in the European Union was reached in 2004 and amounted to...
TVEL subsidiary contracts supplies of nuclear fuel components for research reactor in Egypt
TVEL unveils new fuel solutions for the Indian market
In 2022, TVEL started exports of the more advanced TVS-2M fuel to India, instead of the UTVS model, previously supplied to Kudankulam. Introduction of the new fuel enables elongation of the reactors operation between refuelings form 12 to 18 months, which would essentially enhance the power plants performance and economic efficiency (besides, TVS-2M model is more reliable). However, the new Rosatom developments have a potential to make the further operations of the power plant, lasting for decades, even more efficient.
Alexander Ugryumov stressed, that introduction of nuclear fuel with enrichment over the 5% level will enable operations of VVER-1000 reactors in longer 24 months fuel cycles. Extending the fuel cycle means that a power...
ROSATOM ships nuclear fuel mock-ups for testing the first unit of Akkuyu NPP in Turkey
Rosatom starts supplies of nuclear fuel for CFR-600 fast reactor
Elemash Machine-building Plant, a fuel fabrication enterprise of Rosatom TVEL Fuel Company, has dispatched the first batch of nuclear fuel to China for the CFR-600 fast neutron reactor. Till the end of the year, two more fuel shipments are scheduled to follow, aimed for the initial load of the reactor core and the first refueling.
After the launch of the first CFR-600 power unit, Xiapu NPP in China Fujian province will become the first nuclear power plant with a high-capacity fast reactor outside of Russia. The other two functioning installations are the BN-600 and BN-800 sodium-cooled reactors at Beloyarsk NPP in the Urals region of Russia.
The project of fuel fabrication for CFR-600, lasting for already three years, has been a unique task for us in terms...
ROSATOM starts irradiation of the new ATF fuel matrix
Framatome reopens fuel manufacturing facility dedicated to TRIGA
Four Westinghouse LTA to be loaded at Vogtle-2 in 2023
Rosatom launches PWR fuel fabrication facility
TVEL shipped equipment to China for testing CFR-600
First REMIX fuel assemblies loaded at Balakovo NPP
TVEL subsidiary starts regular supplies of low-enriched uranium to Kazakhstan for fuel fabrication
Rosatom manufactures first batch or REMIX fuel for VVER
TVEL manufactures trial nuclear fuel assembly for the first land-based SMR plant
Rosatom starts production of zirconium sponge for nuclear fuel
Rosatom starts ATF operation in a commercial reactor
Rosatom develops new fuel modification with lower uranium enrichment for Loviisa NPP
TVEL subsidiary contracts supplies of nuclear fuel components for research reactor in Egypt
Rosatom completes new stages in ATF development program
TVEL Elemash Machine-building plant launches new manufacturing site for CFR-600 fabrication
Nuclear fuel elements for Chinese HTGR shipped
On January 9, the first batch of products from the world first industrial-scale high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) nuclear fuel element production line, which was fully developed by China, was shipped from the North Nuclear Fuel Element Co Ltd of the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) to the Shidaowan HTGR nuclear power plant demonstration project in Rongcheng, East China Shandong province, to provide grid-connected power generation. The first of its kind globally, the project has independent intellectual property rights.
This is one of the most significant innovative achievements of the National Science and Technology Major Project. It represents an important step in advancing the application of China fourth-generation nuclear power technology...
The new modification of Russian VVER-440 fuel loaded at Paks NPP in Hungary
TVEL will introduce new fuel and extended fuel cycle at Kudankulam NPP
Compared to the UTVS fuel model, which is currently supplied to Kudankulam NPP, TVS-2M fuel assemblies have a number of advantages making them more reliable and cost-effective.
First, it is the rigidity of a bundle: because of the welded frame, the fuel assemblies in the reactor core retain their geometry, the spacer grids protect fuel rod cladding from fretting wear (preventing from depressurization), and the additional spacer grid makes fuel assemblies more vibration-resistant.
Secondly, the new fuel has increased uranium capacity - one TVS-2M assembly contains 7.6% more fuel material as compared to UTVS.
Everything that we offer to our Indian partners is focused...
Rosatom completes development of the new VVER-400 fuel for Paks NPP
TVEL has supplied nuclear fuel for Budapest research reactor in Hungary
Rosatom will develop REMIX fuel fabrication at the site of the Siberian Chemical Plant in Seversk
Big steps taken to realize the 190 thousands SWU objective - AEOI
Rosatom starts life tests of third-generation VVER-440 nuclear fuel
Rosatom starts equipment installation at the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex within the Proryv project
Rosatom starts installation of equipment at the fuel fabrication/re-fabrication unit of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex, which is under construction at the site of Siberian Chemical Plant (an enterprise of TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom in Tomsk region, West Siberia).
The Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex is under way within the strategic Proryv (Rus. - the Breakthrough) project. It will include three linked facilities, making up a closed nuclear fuel cycle at one site: the fuel fabrication/re-fabrication unit (FRU), the 300 MW nuclear power plant with the fast neutron BREST-OD- 300 reactor, and the unit for spent fuel reprocessing.
The first shop-floor prepared for equipment installation is the decontamination section of the fuel rods production line. Currently, there are over 40 items of equipment with total weight about 110 tons at the FRU site.
Rosatom facility inks long-term contract for supply of nuclear fuel components to ETRR-2 reactor in Egypt
TVEL will supply fuel for the reactor at CVR Nuclear Research Center in the Czech Republic
Rosatom and Orano subsidiaries sign contract to grow Russian capacities for depleted uranium reconversion
TVEL and Kozloduy NPP have contracted supplies of Russian nuclear fuel to Bulgaria through 2025
TVEL completes the contract for supply of fuel pellets to India for Tarapur NPP
TVEL Fuel Company of ROSATOM Inks Fuel Contract for Xudapu NPP New Units
TVEL Fuel Company of ROSATOM has signed the contract for nuclear fuel supply to the future power units 3 and 4 of Xudapu NPP with China Nuclear Energy Industry Corporation, CNNP Liaoning Nuclear Power and CNNP Suneng Nuclear Power acting as the customers (all the companies are subsidiaries of China National Nuclear Corporation, CNNC).
The two new Russian-design Gen 3+ power units with VVER-1200 reactors will be built at the site of Xudapu NPP in Liaoning province, district Huludao, in China North-East. The Contract includes supplies for the first core as well as for several further refueling. Rusatom Overseas coordinated the contract negotiations from the Russian side.
In July, 2019, TVEL signed the contract for nuclear fuel supply to the similar VVER-1200 units 7 and 8 of Tianwan NPP.
Rosatom Completes the First Milestone of ATF Irradiation
TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom to supply nuclear fuel for Rooppur NPP in Bangladesh
TVEL to introduce new fuel at Dukovany NPP in the Czech Republic
TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom supplied equipment for VVER fuel fabrication at Yibin plant in China
Rosatom Inks Fuel Contract for Tianwan NPP New Power Units
TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom Supplied Fuel for China Experimental Fast Reactor
TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom will replenish the nuclear fuel stock at Armenian NPP
Rosatom will continue to supply Slovakian NPPs with nuclear fuel
Rosatom fabricated nuclear fuel for initial loading at Unit 2 of Belarus NPP
TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom Will Supply Nuclear Fuel Components for ETRR-2 Reactor in Egypt
Rosatom Starts Testing of Accident Tolerant Fuels for Light Water Reactors
TVEL to supply fuel pellets for Tarapur NPP in India
TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom Supplied Nuclear Fuel Components for Research Reactor in Egypt
TVEL will supply nuclear fuel for China CFR-600 fast-neutron reactor
Rosatom Launches Batch Production of MOX Fuel for Fast Neutron Reactor
Rosatom completes longevity testing of modified nuclear fuel for NPPs in Finland and Hungary
TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom will supply new model of nuclear fuel to Bushehr NPP in Iran
TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom will develop a unique modification of nuclear fuel for Paks NPP in Hungary
Westinghouse will deliver CE16NGF fuel on Palo Verde
Slovak regulators skeptical on calls for fuel diversification
In the Netherlands completed the first stage of qualifying fuel for Chinese HTGR
LEU for U.S. tritium: rethinking agreements
The threat of the LEU shortages for tritium production could push the United States not to revise but to rethink international agreements involving the United States, which are imposing restrictions on the use of enriched uranium produced using imported technology.
LEU for U.S. tritium: DoE plans
In the near to medium term, the Department of Energy sees three sources of obtaining the LEU for the tritium producing. In fact, they are all somehow tied to stocks.
The TVA company TVA, the tritium producer, has a valid contract with USEC (its new name is Centrus), under which the latter undertook to supply the LEU for these purposes until mid-2015 financial year. It is obvious that supplies under this contract are provided now from the USEC inventory.
TVEL will supply fuel to Paks-2 till 2034
Contract for delivery of NCCP research fuel to The Netherlands signed
LEU for U.S. tritium: enrichment plants in the USA
Thus, none of the enrichment plants operating or planned for construction in the United States will be able to produce the non-obligated LEU. This conclusion is valid for the case if the DoE will not be making efforts to bring to commercial application the American Centrifuge program.
Rosatom signed a contract for the supply of nuclear fuel to Ukrainian NPPs for 2015 - Kiriyenko
LEU for U.S. tritium: HEU and LEU for military
USEC is the only company to enrich uranium using US technology. In May 2013 the company ceased work on the last commercial enrichment plant Paducah. Company's financial position has deteriorated significantly. In March 2014 it was accepted the conditions of chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, providing for the reorganization of the company.
Difficulties arising for USEC questioned the fate of the American program of creation of centrifuges for commercial use - American Centrifuge. This was the program for which the company spent a total of 2.5 billion dollars. In April, the Department of Energy transfers temporarily the control of the project to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The ultimate fate of the project has not yet been determined.
AREVA will continue to supply fuel for Olkiluoto
NRC considers MOX factory construction license extension
Russia Testing New-Generation Nuclear Fuel: State Nuclear Research Institute
Hungarian Nuclear Power Plant to Operate on Russian Second-Generation Fuel
Russian Chemical Plant Produces First Nitride Fuel Assembly
First-Ever Batch of Newest Nuclear Fuel Produces in Russia
Russia to Build Nuclear Fuel Cycle Research Complex by 2017
Iran Supreme Leader Says Tehran Needs 190,000 Centrifuges for Nuclear Program
Kiev Has No Intention to Turn Down Russian Nuclear Fuel - Ukrainian Energy Ministry
US Fuel Ineffective in Ukrainian Nuclear Plants
US Nuclear Fuel in Ukraine Risks Second Chernobyl – Scientists
Rosatom Urges Ukraine Not to Politicize Nuclear Fuel Supplies
Russia, US Complete Warheads-for-Fuel Program
Kiev Looks to Diversify Sources of Nuclear Fuel Supplies
US-Russian Warheads-for-Fuel Program Completed
First Chapter of US-Russian Megatons-to-Megawatts Deal Closes
Iran Stopped Enriching Uranium to 20% - Iranian Lawmaker
The 3,000th fuel assembly for the Areva Company was made in JSC MSZ
Iran Has 18,000 Uranium Centrifuges, 10,000 Active – Report
TENAM and Fuelco Conclude the First Contract for Supply of Russian Enriched Uranium to a U.S. Generating Company
Iran to Consider Outsourcing Uranium Enrichment
Iranian Religious Leader Threatens to Increase Uranium Enrichment
Washington May Let Tehran Enrich Uranium
Iran Enriches 100 Kg of Uranium to 20%
Iran Launches Homemade Enrichment Centrifuges in Natanz
Iran Installs Homemade Fuel Rods in Nuclear Reactor – Press TV
Iran to Insert First Domestic Nuclear Fuel Rods into Reactor - Official
Tehran to Use Home Made Fuel Rods in Few Months
Iran starts enriching uranium to 20 pct - IAEA
Iran says uranium enrichment plant to enter full capacity in Feb.
Russia, U.S. ink uranium enrichment pact for 2013-2022
Russia to start direct uranium supplies to Japan – Rosatom
Iran launches uranium yellowcake production
TVEL in Australian nuclear fuel talks
Iran transferring uranium centrifuges to Fordo site
UAE in talks with Russia on nuclear fuel supplies-paper
Russia, Ukraine to build nuclear fuel production plant
Iran set to produce fuel rods for reactors soon - agency
Expert Committee of Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and Energy confirmed using fresh fuel in Kozloduy NPP
Russia, U.S. in talks on uranium enrichment joint venture
In 2010 output of nuclear fuel powder and pellets at Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrate Plant doubled
Russia, Ukraine draw up joint nuclear fuel production draft deal
Iran says can produce nuclear fuel
Iran to produce own nuclear fuel by 2011 - nuclear chief
Russia, Ukraine sign agreement on nuclear fuel plant construction
Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia sign nuclear fuel transit deal
Iran steps up uranium exploration - nuclear chief
Russia, Ukraine to set up uranium enrichment JV - Rosatom
China signed Framework Agreement with Belgium in MOX-fuel production
Iran uranium enrichment to affect nuclear fuel supply talks - diplomat
India building reactors for nuclear submarines
Iran eyes nuclear fuel consortium with Russia
Ukraine signs deal on 10% stake in Siberian uranium center
Germany to send nuclear waste to Russia by 2011 - paper
Mashinostroitelnyi Zavod OJSC visited by delegation from the Republic of South Africa
Russia ready to sell Ukraine 10% stake in uranium enrichment center
India, U.S. sign nuclear energy agreement - news agency
Iran produces 17 kg of 20% enriched uranium - nuclear chief
Ñommuniquå of the Round Table
Participants of the Round Table are sure that atomic generation is the most promising source of ecologicaly clean energy. That is the reason why today the world is awaiting for the nuclear renaissance through extensive construction of new NPPs.
Extensive construction of new NPP's, including the countries not having experience in nuclear energy, draws to widen the geography of nuclear power markets.
At present overcapacity is observed in the nuclear fuel cycle in certain regions while other regions experience lack of capacity, which puts the focus on the of security of nuclear fuel supply, as one of the most critical issues, while being a crucial factor for a safe NPP operation.
Participants of the Round Table came to the conclusion, that the international cooperation in nuclear fuel cycle aggregating the efforts of the fuel market participants can become a substantial contribution to the security of nuclear fuel supply and safe operation of nuclear power plants.
Approved by majority of the votes.
TENEX and Dominion Nuclear declared a contract for supply of enriched uranium product
Iran continues uranium enrichment - Russia
US Agency Approves Nuclear Fuel Contract Between Russian Supplier And Minnesota Utility
Questions remain over nuclear fuel deal with Iran - Medvedev
Medvedev to query Brazil president on enrichment deal with Iran
Russia, Ukraine to draft long-term nuclear fuel deal by June
Bulgarians do not agree with Westinghouse
Westinghouse is trying to penetrate the market of nuclear fuel in Bulgaria.
Dimitar Angelov confrims, referring to the experience of the Czech Republic at the NPP Temelin. The CEZ group tried to use U.S. fuel instead of Russian one. This caused many problems, and ultimately CEZ was forced prematurely terminate the contract signed with the Americans.
During his last trip to Bulgaria, the Americans claimed that they were able to improve the production of fuel for VVER-1000 at Swedish plants. But the skepticism of Bulgarians is not overcome. We have shown only an analysis and evaluation of results without experimental evidence, says Angelov.
Director of the Kozloduy NPP believes that at this stage there is no need to restrain the Russian fuel rods. The plant runs the Russian fuel is a new project, but already there are suggestions for further improvement.
At the same time, Bulgarians do not reject outright from contact with the Americans. According to Angelov, it can be considered as a back-up fuel supply.
Tvel nuclear fuel company takes part in India exhibition
Greenpeace vessel in St. Petersburg for anti-nuclear waste protest
Greenpeace protests arrival of French nuclear cargo in Russia
Iran builds new generation of centrifuges - nuclear chief
Russia to deliver fuel shipment a year after Bushehr launch
Russia signs $400mln deal for nuclear fuel supply for Slovakia NPP
Russia to set aside 40 tons of low-enriched uranium for guaranteed pool
French activists block train with radioactive waste for Russia
India may join Russia in establishing Angarsk nuclear fuel bank
Russia says ready to establish nuclear fuel bank by yearend
Japan ready to supply enriched uranium to Iran - paper
Iran takes just 10 kg of uranium for enrichment - IAEA
Iran produces first batch of 20% enriched uranium
Moscow warns Tehran over uranium enrichment plans
Iran notifies UN watchdog of higher uranium enrichment plans
Ship carrying nuclear waste arrives in St. Petersburg
Iran enrichment plan hinders solution to nuclear issue
Iran could make nuclear advancement announcement early February
Russia upbeat about IAEA resolution on its uranium initiative
Iran discusses uranium processing in Turkey - media
Ahmadinejad says ready to cooperate on nuclear fuel
JSC TVEL supplied the first batch of natural uranium pellets for Indian Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors
The JSC Atomenergoprom and Toshiba Corporation have agreed to carry out joint activities on the market of nuclear fuel cycle products and services
JSC TVEL has issued annual report 2007
Nuclear fuel world market is characterized nowadays by the intensification of the competition between the main companies-manufactures. Fuel fabricators that are also reactor suppliers at the same time, begin offering nuclear fuel for the reactors, build by their rivals. That is why the tendency towards the permanent improving of the fuel construction and continuing orientation on the increasing of the fuel burnout depth and better behavior within the core is traced. To a grater extend it is revealed on the fuel market for PWR reactors, states the report.
Philosophy of the free trade, nondiscrimination and international division of labor is becoming more and more characteristic to the world nuclear fuel market. At the same time because of the presence of domestic manufactures some countries are realizing obvious protectionist politics to defend their interests and artificially limit the concurrence from the side of foreign manufactures, most of all Russian ones. For example JSC TVEL during several years faces discriminational measures of the European Union that limit supplies of enriched uranium product within the fuel assemblies.
14 years to keep the promise
Americans prefer quoting Russian uranium openly; Europeans at the same time prefer secret declarations. Agreement on the dumping investigation suspension between Russia and United States is already thoroughly scrutinized; the fact of existing of the same agreement in Europe - already mentioned Corfu declaration - was called in question and even denied.
The declaration was adopted in June 1994 by the countries of the European Union during the summit on Corfu island, that is where a name of this document from. Declaration contained strict frameworks for the European nuclear agency EURATOM - its policy should be realized in a way that will keep the share of European uranium suppliers in European Union not less than 80%.
Practically the same day when declaration appeared, an agreement for the partnership and cooperation between Russia and European Union was adopted. Article #22 of the agreement has withdrawn nuclear materials trade from the general trade agreement. It was promised to Moscow, that status of Russian uranium will be defined during two years.
Special methods of Westinghouse technologies promotion on the foreign markets
As is generally known, American company Westinghouse has signed on the 30th of May 2008 a contract with the Ukrainian Energoatom for delivery of the fresh fuel for at least three power units within the period from 2011 to 2015.
Westinghouse international contracts always attract special attention. The reason is that this company has a long record of untraditional promotion methods of its technologies.
In 1996 in Czech Republic broke out a scandal after the journalists of the newspaper Mlada Fronta Dnes had received information about the bribing of the Czech officials, which had been taking part in the decision-making process regarding some tenders, where Westinghouse had participated, including Temelin NPP.
So, while choosing a nuclear fuel supplier for the Temelin NPP, American secret agent J.V. managed to receive confidential detailed information about the proposals of the competing companies.
Ukraine may pay liability for any accident on VVER-1000 with Westinghouse fuel
TVEL Corporation starts a program of production diversification
Yuri Stuzhnev: Ukraine-Westinghouse contract is very dangerous play with fire
Westinghouse totals in Czech
Way to the nuclear energy - a back door or a main entrance?
Naturally, from the first days the NPT was called discriminational. In order to attract as much states as possible to enter this treaty authors of NPT resorted to various tricks. There is no an obvious definition to such a notion as a possession of nuclear weapons. In 1969 US national security adviser Henry Kissinger wrote: The treaty leaves deliberately obscure the position of a nation… that might now already manufactured bit not exploded a nuclear device… Any such nation signing the treaty would presumably be declaring that is not retaining such devices, though the state of dismantling would again be left to its own good-conscience judgment.
The absence of a definite terminology resulted in the loop-holes of the treaty. Some states received a possibility to develop a peaceful nuclear energy and use the benefits of international cooperation only to withdraw from a treaty in a moment and to turn into the state armed with nuclear bombs. Obvious example of the NPT weakness is the situation in North Korea.
Personnel for Kazakhstan - background for the nuclear friendship
No doubt, independent Kazakhstan has a full right to enter in any alliance and sign any treaties with foreign companies, including Westinghouse. Moscow will have to think over the way of convincing Astana not to refuse from nuclear cooperation with Russia.
Profitable economic relations are the cornerstone of the Kazakh-Russian cooperation. Supplying uranium for Russian nuclear power plants, Kazakh nuclear specialists have a right to hope to receive from us something more than money in return. One of such ways of a fair exchange was mentioned in the first part of the article - transfer of Russian reactor technologies PWR-300 to Kazakhstan.
One more important direction of cooperation where Russia can be of a great help for its Central Asian neighbors is personnel training for nuclear energy sector.
Conflict of nuclear initiatives
If the GNEP principles concern the technologies of fast reactors and closed fuel cycle, what does Joseph Adda, the Minister of Power Engineering of Ghana have to do with it being one of the GNEP signers? What is the purpose of persuading the delegations from Cameron, Tanzania and Tunis in the IAEA headquarters? How to explain the intention to involve Georgia into the GNEP if not by a desire to do Moscow an ill turn?
Will the situation be such that the respectable African states will demand their share of fast reactor technologies in the future? Washington doesn't think so. Thus, the discriminating principle of the GNEP is confirmed, the principle that states the old American dream: to create a certain superstructure that will duplicate and actually replace the IAEA and NPT, naturally on the basis suitable for the USA.
CMP won prize for high product quality
Preliminary 2007 results show JSC Mashinostroitelny Zavod’s profits of over RUR8bn
Fast, thermal, dry, wet - notes of the eyewitness
At the end of November the second international scientific-technical conference on the theme Development of nuclear power on the basis of closed nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) with fast neutron reactors was held under the aegis Rosenergoatom. The simultaneous participation of both reactor physicists and NFC specialists became the spirit of this conference.
Although the speakers were invited in advance, the conference agenda envisaged open round-table discussion of presentations. International status of the conference first of all was due to participation of Frenchmen Bruno Sicard. The American delegation included people from the program for weapons-grade plutonium. It should be noted that the majority of foreign participants didn't demonstrate any activity at the meetings.
It was interesting for many of participants to hear the position of the French. Now the main criterion of Paris is the following - don't accumulate spent nuclear fuel (SNF). It is possible to achieve it only by reprocessing of spent fuel.
CMP got the RF Government’s science and technology award
MSZ automated nuclear fuel fabrication lines
NCCP held environmental protection and ecology meeting
MSZ produced 100,000-th fuel assembly for RBMK
USA and Rosatom have initialed a draft amendment to Suspension Agreement
The U.S. department of commerce and the Russian Federation's Federal Atomic Energy Agency (Rosatom) have initialed a draft amendment to the agreement suspending the antidumping investigation on uranium from the Russian Federation (Suspension Agreement).
The proposed amendment will allow Russia to export its uranium products to the U.S. market in accordance with the export limits and other terms detailed in the amendment. The U.S. financial department is now waiting for comments from all interested parties, which can be submitted within 30 days.
The suspension agreement was signed on October 30, 1992 on the basis of an agreement by Russian government to restrict the volume of direct or indirect uranium products exports to the United States.
Kozloduy NPP management thinks highly of cooperation with Russian nuclear industry
TVEL supported a Russian young piano player’s concerts in Czech Republic
Closed or excess
Strictly speaking, Russian atom doesn't need in BN-800 reactor. Sodium technologies serviceability in Russia is proven by multiyear experience of BN-600 reactor operation, but BN-800 reactor can't go to commercial level. Implementation of BN-800 reactor into closed fuel cycle - mastering of technologies for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel (SNF) of VVER reactors, fabrication of new fuel from them, reprocessing of SNF of BN-800 itself and other - should be priority of number 1 for this reactor.
But it is impossible to solve this task with simultaneous using BN-800 for weapons-grade plutonium utilization. And if decision about political usage of BN-800 reactor is adopted ultimately, Russia will have a risk to freeze its current interim state for two-three decades - excellent, the best fast reactor technologies in the world and absolutely no closed NFC.
Russia to complete NPP in China, build gas centrifuge plant
Russia to supply 7 kg of nuclear fuel for Ukraine test reactor
Vladimir Rychin: The case of SWUs
The day before the Day of Nuclear Industry Worker Rosatom received a small but nice present from United States Court of International Trade. American justice has confirmed as in the case with Eurodif that Russian contracts for uranium enrichment are services rather than goods and they can't be subject to USA's antidumping legislation.
There were only few who doubted in favorable decision from the Court concerning the case Techsnabexport against the United States. American system of judicial legislation didn't leave any hope to Russian opponents - US Department of Commerce, USEC corporation and local nuclear trade union. French SWUs don't differ from Russian ones, and uranium enrichment at Rosatom's enterprises doesn't differ from analogous work in France.
U.S. lifts restrictions on Russian uranium supplies
A Trap for Minatom. Uranium Zugzwang
When talking about energy security why does everybody think that Russia should provide energy security for the world? Everybody forgets that Russia also needs in providing energy security. It is impossible to achieve equal cooperation in the world without this consideration, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia believes. It is very difficulty to argue with these words of Russian leader and there is no need. May be Russia had to cancel HEU-LEU deal, reconciling with the threats of multibillion losses? One can find another application for LEU obtained from excesses of weapons-grade plutonium than troublesome selling of it to USA. If to formulate the question more correctly, could Russia use the threat of LEU-HEU agreement cancellation as one of arguments, which could convince Washington to reconsider its discriminating attitude towards Russian uranium, in particular, to cancel 116% duties for import uranium from Russia to USA?
Vladimir Kagramanian: Breeding Ratio Should Be Cheap
There is a simple logic here. There are two competitive processes in fast reactor - burning of plutonium loaded and accumulation of new plutonium from 238U. If fraction of loaded plutonium is 20%, its burning is compensated due to accumulation, and energy is generated due to using natural 238U, the reserves of which are "unlimited". But if the content of plutonium is higher than the above-indicated border - 40-50% and more, the rate of plutonium destruction will exceed the rate of its accumulation from uranium. This reactor will become the reactor - burner of plutonium technologically bred, the reserves of which are small, in several times less than the reserves of natural 235U. It means that reactor itself, coolant, the core and other components will be the same both in reactor-breeder and in reactor-burner, but the relationship between physics processes will be different. The tasks, which these reactors will solve, also will be different. Naturally, economy and safety of these reactors will be also different. For example, reactor-burner will have more complicated fuel cycle, and it will be necessary to compensate a drastic drop in reactivity during fuel cycle in this reactor core…
Vladimir Poplavsky: Both lead-bismuth and sodium will occupy its niches in future nuclear power
Up to now fast reactors with sodium coolant have been developed in Russia and in the world. This direction is developed sufficiently. So, BN-600 reactor demonstrates positive and reliable operation during 27 years. We believe that at present the technology of fast sodium cooled reactors is substantiated from the viewpoint of both serviceability and safety. Today the point is to improve its economic indices so that this system would be competitive not only "inside" nuclear power, but in comparison with other power sources. Today there is a task to develop NPP project with large power fast sodium cooled reactor, which should be both safe and economy. If to say about technology of heavy coolants, as it is known, there is certain experience of using lead-bismuth eutectic in reactor for atomic submarine. But if we are going to say about development of this technology for its use at stationary power plant, we have to take into account many of its features. In order to demonstrate serviceability of reactors with heavy liquid metal coolant, joint project between IPPE, OKBM and GIDROPRESS is under development - SVBR-75/100 reactor.
Vladimir Kagramanian: I Feel Pity for the French
I feel pity for the French, fallen into real a trap.
Fast reactor technologies and technologies of SNF reprocessing developed in France. The plant for chemical reprocessing of SNF of thermal reactors and fast reactor SuperPhenix were built. Construction of the new NPP with fast reactors for utilization of plutonium extracted from SNF of thermal reactors was scheduled. Everything went in this direction, but in 80-ies the needs in electricity in Europe began stabilizing due to increasing efficiency of electricity consumption. So the necessity of increasing capacity fell away. As a result, the French faced with the problem what to do with extracted plutonium?
A similar accumulation of extracted plutonium was acknowledged as inexpedient both in the UK and USSR (at RT-2 plant). Then the following idea had been arisen - in order to keep people and technologies, MOX-fuel can be started to use in existing light water reactors, and moreover, the adjacent Belgium has demonstrated this technology.
No referendum in Angarsk
Over Rub 100 million will be spent for social-ecological measures (GHC, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region
Kirienko: Armenia and Ukraine are ready to take part in Angarsk International Center for uranium enrichment
Sergey Ivanov: Russian power companies are ready to increase investments in Uzbekistan economics
Angarsk electrolyze chemical complex suspended its operation because of lightening struck electric power lines
Yury Olenin became a new president of OJSV TVEL
TVEL will become the only supplier of nuclear power for Czech and Slovak NPP
For Whom The Fuel Sun Does Shine in Eastern Europe
The most annoying feature of the US-made VVER-1000 fuel assemblies is its inability to provide the reliable insertion of the control rods into the reactor core. In May 2006, one of Temelin units tested the control rod insertion and found that 51 out of 61 failed. Even more, the Westinghouse did not succeeded in keeping the integrity of cladding materials. As a result, a lot of leaks occurred during operation and the plant owners become to be in conflict with the fuel manufacturers. Finally, in November 2006 the plant director Vladimir Hlavinka told that three (!) partial refueling would be considered for both Temelin units in 2007 and each of them would last 50-70 days.
Novosibirsk chemical concentrate plant needs more billion RUB
Czech NPP to start using Russian fuel in 2009 - TVEL
A Trap for Minatom. Three Levels of One Deal.
Level #1, or level of international law, permits the Russian government to suspend, demand modification or even denounce the HEU-LEU agreement. However, this option is completely blocked at the lower levels. Some contracts (level #2) do not consider any right of Russian side for suspension or cancellation. Besides, any cessation of Russian uranium supply to the international consumers (level #3) will compromise the Russian Federation as a supplier on the world market.
A Trap for Minatom. Per Aspera Ad Negotia
Then the political rescue rangers came, and many people believed in their frankness. In October 1992, the USA and Russia signed the agreement suspending the antidumping investigation on uranium from the Russian Federation - Suspension Agreement - for that uranium, which could be delivered in the United States in the frame of HEU-LEU contract. This rarely generous offer from Washington dissembled a dirty trick. The item M.2 of Article IV of Suspension Agreement forbade indirectly any import to the USA of the HEU feed component.
TVEL net profit grows 10%, y-o-y, to $124.3 million in 2006
TVEL, Russia's leading producer and supplier of nuclear fuel for power plants, said Monday its net profit in 2006 increased 10% on the previous year, exceeding $124 million. We will be able to determine the exact amount of the [2006] net profit in February-March 2007, after the company's board of directors approves the financial results for the year, said Anton Badenkov, the company's acting president.
International Nuclear Fuel Bank: Taken Question
Russia pins energy hopes on new nuclear monopoly
President Vladimir Putin recently signed the so-called tunnel law, which is opening new vistas for Russia's civilian nuclear power industry. Its official title is as follows: The Law on the Peculiarities of Managing the Property and Shares of Organizations Using Nuclear Energy and on Relevant Changes in Some Legislative Acts. The document had previously been approved by the Duma. The law is designed to rationalize the legal and institutional conditions for the operation of the energy-and-industry sector, and make it more competitive internationally and more attractive for investment. It separates the Russian nuclear power sector into military and civilian parts.