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NPP Koodankulam

Rosatom shipped reactor vessel for Unit 6 of the Kudankulam NPP (India)

Kudankulam-1 celebrated its 10th anniversary

Welding of the main coolant pipeline has commenced at Kudankulam NPP Unit 3

Reactor building dome has been installed in design position at Kudankulam NPP Unit 3

The Podolsk-based enterprise of ROSATOM to manufacture and supply thermocouples for Kudankulam NPP

Reactor vessel is installed on Unit No. 3 of Kudankulam NPP

Kudankulam: AFR controversy continues
The conflict over the proposed dry storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel from the Kudankulam nuclear power plant (India) has reached a new level.
The local authorities, who oppose the storage facilities, are calling for the central government to join the discussion and either return the spent nuclear fuel to Russia or place it in a permanent geological storage facility, which, by the way, is not available in India.
Recall that in 1998, when signing an agreement with Russia on the construction of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant, the Indian side insisted that the spent nuclear fuel would remain in India for processing.
Prior to being sent for reprocessing, the plant irradiated fuel is stored in spent fuel pools, from where it is planned...

Nuclear News Ticker - March 22, 2021

TVEL will introduce new fuel and extended fuel cycle at Kudankulam NPP
Compared to the UTVS fuel model, which is currently supplied to Kudankulam NPP, TVS-2M fuel assemblies have a number of advantages making them more reliable and cost-effective.
First, it is the rigidity of a bundle: because of the welded frame, the fuel assemblies in the reactor core retain their geometry, the spacer grids protect fuel rod cladding from fretting wear (preventing from depressurization), and the additional spacer grid makes fuel assemblies more vibration-resistant.
Secondly, the new fuel has increased uranium capacity - one TVS-2M assembly contains 7.6% more fuel material as compared to UTVS.
Everything that we offer to our Indian partners is focused...

Installation of Reactor Pressure Vessel Dry Shielding Completed on Kudankulam NPP Unit 3 (India)

Kudankulam-1 was put into commercial operation

Kudankulam-3/4 construction shall start on 2015-2016

First unit of Kudankulam nuclear plant may be launched in next 2 weeks - Indian PM

Russia close to finishing reactor at Indian nuclear power plant

Hero of the day

National flag of Russian Federation hoisted on Yakutia nuclear icebreaker

National flag of Russian Federation hoisted on Yakutia nuclear icebreaker

Yakutia is the fourth icebreaker actually built under Project 22220. Its service life is 40 years. As is the tradition, the icebreaker is named after a region adjacent to the Northern Sea Route.



Pietro Barabaschi held a meeting with the management of the Institute and saw around the facilities for high-tech components manufacturing of the future plant.



the 400-ton toroidal field coil TF08 of the ITER was successfully hoisted onto the sub-assembly of the Vacuum Vessel Module 1, marking another milestone in the sector module sub-assembly (SMSA).
