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Core Catcher for Unit 3 has been delivered to the Construction Site of El-Dabaa NPP

On July 1, 2024, the Core Catcher for Unit 3 was delivered to the construction site of the El-Dabaa NPP in the Arab Republic of Egypt...

Main Stage of Construction Has Begun at El-Dabaa NPP Power Unit 4

A ceremony dedicated to the first concrete pouring into the foundation slab of Power Unit 4 took place in the Arab Republic of Egypt, at El-Dabaa construction site (General Designer and General Contractor is Rosatom State Corporation Engineering Division)...

South Africa - a new energy strategy

It is worth noting that the first consideration (about the locations of the SMR) may be very important for the conditions of South Africa...

Main Construction Phase for Unit 3 of El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant Commences in Egypt

On the 3rd of May 2023, a technical ceremony for the pouring of the first concrete for Unit 3 of the El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant took place at the El-Dabaa construction site in Egypt, marking the commencement of the main construction phase for Unit 3 of the El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant Projec...

Uganda chooses sites

Nigeria announced a bid

Ghana will decide on the site before the end of the year

Rosatom took part in the Russia-Africa Summit

Rosatom Launches the VIII Atoms Empowering Africa Video Competition

NPPA and Rosatom to host the International Youth Forum for Sustainable Nuclear Technologies in Egypt

Namibia is waiting for Chinese investment in nuclear power

Installation of the core catcher has started at El-Dabaa NPP Unit 4

Rwanda relies on Russia to train nuclear specialists - Minister

ROSATOM presented innovative technological solutions for the region at African Energy Week 2024

In Tanzania, a strategic environmental assessment of the Mkuju River project has begun

ROSATOM Deputy Director General Nikolay Spassky held a meeting with Burkina Faso Minister of Energy, Mines and Quarries Yacouba Zabre Gouba

Installation of core catcher body has started at Unit 3 of El-Dabaa NPP in Egypt

The Installation Works of Inner Containment of the Reactor Building of Unit 2 of El-Dabaa NPP started

CAEA, IAEA kicks off a training session for African radiotherapy physicists

CNNC Rossing Uranium attends the Namibia Mining Expo and Conference 2024

CNNC Holds a Nuclear Science Popularization and Publicity Camp in Namibia

Koeberg operating licence extended for further 20 years

ROSATOM ships the key blanks for the reactor hall equipment of El Dabaa NPP

CNNC Hosts China-Africa Conference on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technology

ROSATOM delegation visits the Republic of Mali

ROSATOM, together with partners from the Republic of Guinea, study the possibility of deploying floating power units in the country

The first tier of the inner containment has been installed in the reactor building at Unit No. 1 of El-Dabaa NPP (Egypt)

Rosatom and Ministry of Energy and Mining of Algeria sign cooperation road map

All news for Africa

Hero of the day

National flag of Russian Federation hoisted on Yakutia nuclear icebreaker

National flag of Russian Federation hoisted on Yakutia nuclear icebreaker

Yakutia is the fourth icebreaker actually built under Project 22220. Its service life is 40 years. As is the tradition, the icebreaker is named after a region adjacent to the Northern Sea Route.



Pietro Barabaschi held a meeting with the management of the Institute and saw around the facilities for high-tech components manufacturing of the future plant.



the 400-ton toroidal field coil TF08 of the ITER was successfully hoisted onto the sub-assembly of the Vacuum Vessel Module 1, marking another milestone in the sector module sub-assembly (SMSA).
