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Start-up of the first standby diesel generator at Akkuyu NPP Unit 1 completed

The first standby diesel power plant (SDPP) was successfully launched at Akkuyu NPP Unit 1 (the plant is being built by Rosatom in Turkiye)...

Flushing of all safety systems to the open reactor starts at Unit 7 of Tianwan NPP

One of the most important process stages - flushing of all safety systems to the open reactor has started at Unit 7 of Tianwan NPP (China), being constructed with participation of Rosatom companies...

Global workshop on SMRs and MRs deployment held in Hainan

The Interregional Workshop on Key Considerations Regarding Infrastructure Development to Support SMRs and MRs Deployment was jointly held by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) and undertaken by Hainan Nuclear Power Co...

Reactor pressure vessel of Xudapu NPP Unit 4 has been installed in design position

The reactor pressure vessel has been installed in the design position at the construction site of Xudapu NPP Unit 4 (China), which is being built with participation of Rosatom enterprises...

Turbine installation completed at Unit 1 of Akkuyu NPP

China offers the world a solution through nuclear technology applications

CNNP releases its first tech service brand

Russian Federation and Uzbekistan sign an agreement on the construction of a small nuclear power plant

137 foreign diplomats visit CNNC

One-hundredth cargo ship arrived at Akkuyu NPP cargo terminal

India plans to increase its nuclear fleet to 100 GWe by 2047

Equipment start-up and adjustment started at the pumping station of Akkuyu NPP Unit 1

417 nuclear units are operating in the world, 62 units are under construction

416 nuclear units are operating in the world, 63 units are under construction

Rosatom shipped reactor vessel for Unit 6 of the Kudankulam NPP (India)

China successfully acquires Nickel-64 isotope

No.1 Unit of Zhangzhou nuclear power project starts commercial operation

Kyushu Electric plans to replace turbines at two units of the Genkai nuclear power plant

The local side will act as the general operator in the consortium for the construction of nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan - Tokayev

China first commercial reactor device for isotope production starts operation

Rosatom Renewable Energy and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic Have Signed an Investment Agreement

Chinese scientists extract radionuclides for malignant tumor treatment

The main construction and installation works are completed at Rooppur NPP (Bangladesh)

Shimane-2 unit has been restarted in Japan

New milestone set in the ITER Tokamak assembly building

Rosatom Delivered Reactor Island Equipment for Power Unit No. 4, Xudapu NPP, China

CIAE delivers SUT-RR systems and equipment to Thailand

The weight of the corium sample extracted at the second unit of the Fukushima Daiichi NPP is 0.7 g

All news for Asia

Hero of the day

Russia and Myanmar signed an intergovernmental agreement for the construction of a small modular reactor

Russia and Myanmar signed an intergovernmental agreement for the construction of a small modular reactor

The intergovernmental agreement regulates the conditions and main directions of interaction between the parties within the framework of implementation of the 110 MW SMR project with the possibility of further expansion up to 330 MW.



Pietro Barabaschi held a meeting with the management of the Institute and saw around the facilities for high-tech components manufacturing of the future plant.



the 400-ton toroidal field coil TF08 of the ITER was successfully hoisted onto the sub-assembly of the Vacuum Vessel Module 1, marking another milestone in the sector module sub-assembly (SMSA).
